How To Tell If An INFJ Likes You (As Told By 32 INFJs)

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Please tell me you have your own car parked out front because I'm not getting into a confined space with you to drive you home? The following are some tricks in case you're needing an INFJ in your life.

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Masculinity and Femininity In The INFJ Woman - An INFJ will do things for you like bake you things, clean your house, study with you -- they're good at acts of service. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

I recently listened to for Intuitive Thinking women. My Fe is an insanely powerful guide when it comes to my decision-making. However, as an INFJ woman, I can relate to some of the feelings and experiences shared by NT women, primarily the feeling of not quite fitting in with other women and not feeling completely in touch with my femininity. Ni dominant types INxJs are the least common personality types in the general population. Due to this, even though an INFJ woman is a Feeler personality type, she may struggle to identify with mainstream femininity. As a scrolled through the posts in one of the groups, I immediately felt like these women were so different from me. They seemed so much more in touch with their femininity and used it as one of the top guiding factors in developing their personal and professional brands. My experience in these groups was not the first time I felt out-of-place around other women. Growing up I never thought of my gender as a defining part of my identity. I just felt like myself, whoever that was. Once my Fe started to develop in my teens, I started to become aware of my gender based on how I observed myself fitting in the world as a woman. I started to notice that people made assumptions about me and others based on gender. During my first year of college, my roommate encouraged me to join her sorority. As both an introvert and INFJ woman, I could not have felt more out-of-place in a group than I did in that sorority. After I graduated from college I started to work in marketing, which is a female-dominated field. Most of my female co-workers were SF personality types. I was able to find shared interests and get along with the women at work, but I still felt like a duck in a pond of swans most of the time. I could easily swim along next to them, but I would never be able to completely fit in. Masculine Vs Feminine Energy in INFJs What INFJs extrovert, or show to the outside world, is their feeling function. More women than men identify as Feeler personality types. So to the outside world, an INFJ woman may seem to possess many feminine personality traits. However, our dominant function is Introverted Intuition. Because of this, an INFJ may find that they can relate to an INTJ personality type more than they can to another feeler personality type. Seven percent of the population identifies as a Ni-dominant personality type. Out of all Ni-dominant types, only one-third are women. Out of all Ni-dominant women, about 33% are INTJs and 67% are INFJs. Even though our decision-making process is more common in women, our dominant function is more common in men. This can explain why an INFJ woman may internally feel like they possess an equal amount of masculine and feminine energy, and this energy may show up in ways that defy certain gender stereotypes. INFJs—tell me what you think! What has your experience as a female INFJ or a male INFJ been like? I was never ashamed of my birthsex, which is the same as my gender, and never actually wanted to be a man. ManicPixi 24th Apr 17 I surely relate. Why dont you wear normal girly clothes and things like that. But that just was me, with my short crazy hair style, sneakers, hoodies, uncommon music taste, strange ideas etcetc So I was always like a stranger , a weird girl in every single place, schools etc where I had to go. They didnt like me….. I just felt complete ignorance, and if I wanna be honest I looked down on they. It felt they are empty little bodies million miles away from me. I just didnt fit this very schematic world. I know a man we both attracted to each other, share some interest, mutual friends etc. The way he sees me is really fascinating althought he is afraid of me im pretty sure. Im pretty sure he feels the masculine energy more than a feminine one. How old are you and where are you from, and the person you mentioned you like? That sucks for you about your dad ugh! Krista 1st Mar 17 Wow, wow, wow! I am SO glad I found this post! I have just joined a typing forum in an attempt to understand myself better. I was registering as both INTJ and INFJ on tests and was confused about which one I actually indentified with more. Which always felt more correct anyway. But just in googling more about INFJs, I found this post and was immediately intrigued by it because with a lot of the media attention seemingly on gender fluidity and trans awareness, I found myself seriously questioning and confused about how I identified. I am EXACTLY what you described. Someone who actually never felt anymore feminine than masculine or vice versa. And I always had a hard time relating to other women and it often left me feeling alienated and ashamed. Why are all these women obsessed with Ryan Gosling and the Bachelorette? Now, I am proud of being an INFJ and really want to work on developing my strengths and no longer trying to suppress my inferior function. I feel like working on me and accepting me is a necessary first step in finding my place in relation to other women and society as a whole. At first, the exaggerated, feminine stereotypes behind the type made me wonder if I was an INFJ at all. People tend to understand INFJs as gentle, submissive, unendingly altruistic and peaceful. In my experience, however, INFJs lean more towards independence, thought, decision, and diplomacy. These words are more traditionally masculine, and I relate to them much more. I thought a long time ago about why my understanding of my gender leans this way and I figured that it had to do with independence, a trait typically found in INFJs. I could be myself. The idea that our main function is more common in men, like you described, might explain why I started steering away from feminine stereotypes in the first place. Definitely something to think about! Carol 2nd Mar 17 This post described me to a tee!!! Have gravitated to males as I felt more comfortable but this has resulted in being on the receiving end of more than my fair share of judgment, criticism, envy, jealousy etc etc. Have participated in a retreat online for the past year or so where all the women there were heavy into goddesses and that has been so out of my realm altogether. Feel so validated by your post, thank you: 2nd Mar 17 Good article! I can say as a male INFJ that I can relate to not feeling as masculine as other guys. He hated my emotional upsets, I hated his apparent distaste for such outbursts of feeling and relentless rationalism. But we always talked and talked! Sexually, I was me first, girl second. I think I was a late developer, but by the time I met my future husband the heavens were aligning for us and I certainly felt all woman then. I kept my own surname and my hubbie was fine with that. I think this says most about our relationship, we allow each other freedom and are all the closer for it. Thanks for sharing your story! But honestly this article helps me tremendously! It just helps me articulate what I innately feel. Not my political thoughts as I have places for that. You can also search the INFJ introvert INFJproblems or MBTI hashtags on Twitter to find other accounts to interact with. I do embrace my feminity as far as looks go. I care about and put effort into hair and makeup and clothes that accentuate my body. My definition of sexy is closer to a sports jersey and sweats. For the most part I find them too superficial and chitchatty. I am a lot older than all those of you who have commented above. I agree totally with what you have all said about the masculine side in INFJ women being quite dominant. I have always worn jeans,leggings, boots and casual tops all my life regardless of season. I am now a very young in my head 61 year old who sticks out like a sore thumb. Other women keep me at arms length as my topic of conversations are very eclectic and more often than not are those that men relate to more than women. The number of years spent reading and researching and doing all the things I have found curious and interesting in my life has left me feeling very alienated from other women as I have little in common with them. I really try hard to try and fit in but joining groups of women is a nightmare as they suss me out pretty quickly and I am left feeling marginalized. I always get this feeling that they seem to feel they are in some kind of competition with me — dare I say that they seem to be a bit jealous? This rejection by other women I think is a definite reality for us. I would love to hear more of your thoughts. Is it possible to be an infj woman who just enjoys sharing sexual pleasure without commitment? Nolan 6th Mar 18 Whoa, very interesting to hear from female INFJs that they experience both feminine and masculine energy. I am a male INFJ and I have wondered whether the feminine energies I experience are due to my Fe. Thanks so much for this article!

35 Signs You Have An INFJ Personality
This was some marvelous writing. I think an INFJ is quick to remove the possibility of mistaken communication or hurt feelings. Grocery stores fascinate me, let that just be known. Masculine Vs Feminine Energy in INFJs What INFJs extrovert, or show to the per world, is their feeling function. Maven This supports the Maven widget and search functionality. It'll make you want to cry too. They're in their imagination. They have odd rituals and preoccupations with schedules to keep them sane. As Judgers, INTJs are more likely to glad properly and may even be somewhat stylish and edgy. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. White chickens tend to lay white eggs while red chickens tend to lay lay brown eggs. Rubicon Project This is an ad network.